Terry Shames here: This week’s question is whether we read
sub-genres other than our favorite crime novels. The question would be easier for
me to answer if it was, “What don’t you read?”
Here’s what I don’t read a lot of: amateur detective stories—unless, and that’s a big unless, the author makes a really good
case for the amateur to step in. I just don’t enjoy the “Oooo, the local baker
got killed. Please tell me you aren’t going to investigate.” (Words spoken by a
friend, a boyfriend, or a stern cop). I know some people LOVE these. Read them
like candy, enjoy suspending their disbelief and spending a couple of hours
with a ditzy amateur. And here’s the thing: I’ve read a couple of these that I
thought were terrific. So I can’t really even say I don’t read them. I just don’t
gravitate toward them.
What it boils down to is that I’ll try pretty much anything
(where reading is concerned anyway. I don’t do high places, but I digress).
Looking at my TBR pile, I have everything from the most hard-boiled (Don
Winslow or Jo Nesbo anyone?) to humorous (Dying
for a Dude, Cindy Sample). I have police procedurals (The Gods of Guilt, Michael Connelly), a lovely light mystery (Love & Death in Burgundy, Susan
Shea), a historical mystery that I haven’t gotten around to (Mercury’s Rising, Ann Parker), foreign
affairs (A Carrion Death, Michael
Stanley), ancient times (Hand of Fire,
Judith Starkston), zany works of mayhem (Skink:
No Surrender, Carl Hiaasen), private eye, stories of intrigue,
psychological suspense novels….And so much more.

That doesn’t mean that when I start reading a book I’ll
finish it. I give a book a few typos, a little formatting glitch, or a little
bad editing before I put it down, but with so many books out there, it better
be a damn good story for me to keep reading if it has those technical problems.
I recently starting reading a book that was pretty good. But the third time the
author wrote (and the editor allowed it) “there was an xxxx laying by the side of the road (or
wherever),” I couldn’t stand it anymore. The story wasn’t good enough for me
not to be thrown out of it by bad grammar. The other things that stop me
reading are a suddenly ridiculous plot twist (when I say, “Aww, come on…” you’re
toast), unintentionally bad dialogue, unbelievable characters, and careless
prose. Oddly, descriptions don’t have to be great for me to keep going if the
plot, character, and dialogue are working. Get all of it right, and you have a
reader for life! I’m talking about Timothy Hallinan, Lisa Brackmann, Robert
Crais, Deborah Crombie, Charles Todd, Catriona McPherson, James Ziskin, for a
few examples. These are writers that I know I can trust to tell me a good story
and to write it well. Genre-hopping? You bet.
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